Climate change and environmental protection determine the industry's discussion.

Environment and technology

With high-tech and commitment to nature and the environment

Climate change, energy consumption, energy efficiency or the reduction of CO2 are just a few of the key words that politics, society and the economy are dealing with. Everywhere there are new technologies, further developments and new opportunities to do something good for the environment. This category of the Spilling Energy Blog should also pick up on those trends that at first glance do not necessarily have to do with the topic of steam, but do influence the core business and product development, which are based on the traditional principle of operation of the steam piston engine.

Photo to the article No energy turnaround without energy efficiency
20. October 2020

No Energy turnaround without energy efficiency

Particularly in the question of energy system transformation and the desired decarbonization of energy supply, there is often talk of openness of technology.

But do we really have a choice?

by Dr. Heiko Dittmer
Symbol image for industrial heat pumps
23. July 2020


The industry is making a lot of steam. But even experts are surprised when they hear that a good 20 percent of Germany's final energy consumption is accounted for by the generation of industrial process heat. In 2017, this was 2061 PJ, as calculated by the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen" (AEGB). In the 100 to 300-degree Celsius range, steam is one of the most important sources of thermal energy. Experts estimate that more than 150 million tons of steam are produced in Germany in oil and gas-fired boiler plants. This produces almost 30 million tons of CO2.

by Dr. Heiko Dittmer
With good planning you can save a lot of money thanks to a support program
23. July 2020


The recycling of steam with steam compressors from Spilling is now becoming even more attractive for the industry - their financing is supported in various ways by a funding program of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.

by Christof Fleischmann
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