Inquiry Steam Power 1. We would like to have further information: Please send us informations. Please send us a quotation based on the following data: 2. Please send us a quotation for a: Steam Engine Set Steam Turbine Set 3. Boiler plant present: No Yes Hot water boiler Steam boiler 4. Steam Boiler Plant: present Steam capacity: t/h planned Steam pressure bar g Steam temperature °C 5. Fuel type: Biomass Fossil fuel Exhaust heat from 6. operational heat demand: No max kWth Steam pressure bar g Yes Ø kWth Steam capacity t/h Steam temperature °C 7. Steam condenser required: No Yes Air cooled Water cooled 8. Electrical demand: Ø kWel Voltage V Maximal kWel Frequency Hz 9. Operation hours: hours / day hours / week hours / year 10. Please send us further information. Name* Company* Street ZIP City Country Telephone* Fax E-Mail*
Inquiry Steam Power 1. We would like to have further information: Please send us informations. Please send us a quotation based on the following data:
6. operational heat demand: No max kWth Steam pressure bar g Yes Ø kWth Steam capacity t/h Steam temperature °C
10. Please send us further information. Name* Company* Street ZIP City Country Telephone* Fax E-Mail*