Inquiry Steam Compression 1. We would like to have further information: Please send us informations. Please send us a quotation based on the following data: 2. Low Pressure Steam Steam flow rate t/h Steam pressure bar(abs.) Steam Temperature °C Type of Steam Generator 3. Shall be compressed to high pressure steam with Steam pressure bar(abs.) Steam Temperature °C For the use in 4. The compressor shall be driven by: E-Motor Set Steam Engine Set others 5. Operation hours hours / day hours / week hours / year 6. Please send us further information. Name* Company* Street ZIP City Country Telephone* Fax E-Mail*
Inquiry Steam Compression 1. We would like to have further information: Please send us informations. Please send us a quotation based on the following data:
2. Low Pressure Steam Steam flow rate t/h Steam pressure bar(abs.) Steam Temperature °C Type of Steam Generator
3. Shall be compressed to high pressure steam with Steam pressure bar(abs.) Steam Temperature °C For the use in